
Home LLCs/Incorporations/Partnerships

If you are starting a new business enterprise, you face a number of significant decisions. High on the list is deciding what type of legal business entity to establish. For example, you may be debating over whether or not to set up a corporation or a limited liability company (LLC). Before you can make a decision on which type of legal entity best meets the needs of your start-up or other business enterprise, you need to have a basic understanding of a corporation and LLC. You must understand what these legal entities have in common and how they differ.

We have been helping clients set up corporations, LLCs (limited liability companies), and partnerships for 17 years.  Let us help you with the following services:

  • Establishing LLCs, corporations and partnerships in Arizona
  • Establishing LLCs and corporations in Delaware
  • Establishing Delaware “serial LLCs”
  • Shareholder Agreements
  • Buy/Sell Agreements
  • LLC Operating Agreements
  • Amending Articles of Organization
  • Amending Operating Agreements
  • Arizona limited liability limited partnerships (LLLPs and LLPs)
  • Partnership Agreements
  • Non-profit corporations
  • Homeowners associations
  • 501(c)(3) charitable corporations and trusts
  • Corporate minutes and organization
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